Club News

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: 2018 Year in Review

    2018 Year in Review

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: 2015 Christmas Parties

    2015 Christmas Parties

    In 2015, the Delaware Saengerbund’s Christmas parties were vibrant celebrations that resonated with the joyous spirit of the holiday season. The halls of the Saengerbund echoed with laughter and the […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: 2015 Craft Camp

    2015 Craft Camp

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: 2015 New Year’s Eve Party

    2015 New Year’s Eve Party

    In 2015, the Delaware Saengerbund’s New Year’s Eve Party welcomed revelers to a night of unforgettable celebration. As the clock ticked towards midnight, the historic hall transformed into a vibrant […]